Monday, May 19, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
AgAIN the power of two?
>Today is the fourth day for my form 6's journey.I'm not sure wheather how is it in the end but I wish to do well in my STPM. Can this wish comes true in the end all depend to myself. This is the 'law' of the life and I believe that.
>Today I drove back from the school, once I step into my house, my mum told me that she knew something more about form 6 since she talk to her friend which has a daughter just graduated STPM from my school too. Her friend said that its not too hard as what the form 6 seniors and teachers told us. In addition, she just said that mostly the teachers don't teach much and always encourage the students revision by their own. That's why her daughter every subjects went for tuition and she said that her daughter depends on tuition and got 3.50 in her STPM.
>Every form 6 students are bringing their heart fearfully when taking the exam. No one can run away from this particular process. Although it is awful[maybe], but no one can judge the standard point to measure its hardness. Maybe is my stupid personality make me blur all the time. I should set up my mind to be a stable character.
>I should remind myself again and again that this is my choice and I want to get through it. Maybe I really over reacting when heard all of the bad things about this exam. But I know that, if I can get through all the thick text books and having the exam, I will be satisfy all over my life. Actually why I blogging in english, that's all because I want to be good in my english test. Try my best.^-^
>So, what I going to do now is work hard but don't stress up myself too fast. Ok! This 1.5 years journey might make me to grow up soon. Hope to see me soon!
>Oh ya, today the temporary class teacher has brang us the list of names in three classes in form 6 science stream. I'm in 6AS2 and there has many old friends in the same class even my standard 6 old-old friend. I need to sleep well to start my hard work, see ya.
To BE COntinue....
1.~Tomorrow is a mystery. But do we really know a great deal more about the past?~
2.~It's a Truth too oft' forgot. Your pain, no matter how real, is but a small drop in an ocean of misery.~
3.~Taking risks is a part of living. And every day, we make choices that either insure our safety - or our fulfillment.~
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
>So on, few of my friends and I went to see our school counsellor, the one who I feel can set my mind at rest. We had told her everything that we are worrying and confusing about our future. I had no idea and I just throw all my mind out to the counsellor. I like to draw, love to draw whatever I want. Previously, I had stop struggling between design and biology since I came here. I extreamly agree that I am the person who easy influenced by anyone in my life. A stupid anti-form 6 mind has 'pop' up. Counsellor teacher told us to clam down and think where will we be after 10 years, imagine it and you will know. Every way will be the way. I know that, but we must choose also! Everytime I talk about this, my tears just fill up my eyes, once they are no space to stay, they will just drop off. I don't like to drop off my tears! However, once the counsellor or my mum ask me that what I think, it just out of my control.
>Why some people take what they need and want confidently? When I ask them the reason, they only will say "love it lo, no special reason." All of those people no wonder who is he/she, they are my idols, someone that I greatly admired. After talk to counsellor, my friends know that I had register multimedia design and came here for form 6. They said that I have the potential to draw because they saw my drawing before. I am so happy to hear that but why I came here, is my choice and I had decided it just a few day before school had started. Maybe that's me but I don't wish to have this personality. Like to do all things in last few minute, even last time I gone for SAM and end up with withdrew from the college or filled up the registration form for multimedia design even paid the money and end up with going to form 6. What a pity girl, don't know what she need. Hey girl, what you do today might change the life in the future, but no one know where will we be in the future. [who don't know?]
>I had received one of my friend going to change to art stream just now. Can I stand for the difficulty of the form 6 life? That will be a unknown for now. Tell also nobody will believes that I had drop off many tears against this stupid issue even today came back from school I am still 'raining' when talking to my mum till I had a nap. I don't want be the stupid one that will only create flood. How could I do?
>The only conclusion that I can make now is I have no confident to respect my decision all the time, not brave enough or not dare to fight the hardness part, just like I felt that study multimedia design hard find any job or no way to go`study form 6 will suffering me and may end up with something unpredictable.
>This will be my big 'teapot' in my life I think. Hope to get well soon from this pity 'choice's sick'.
I just want a nice dream and hope it comes true.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
*lOvE rAiNy dAyS*
i LoVe RaINy dAy...
WhEn tHe raINy DAy CoMeS...
I rEmEMbEr A StOrY...
theRe Was A lIttLe gIrL...
ShE is A sPeCiAl gIrL...
EvErYtImEs whEn sHe hEaRD tHe SOUND of RaINDrOpS hit thE roof..'TI...Ta...ti...TA...TITa..tITa..~'....!!!!
a sMiLE faCe WILL BE ExPrEssEd oN hEr FaCe...
sHe WiLL FollowS HeR SenSES...
FolloWS tHe sOuNDs Of rAiNdrOpS...
AS ShE FoLllOw..
PREfEcT STePS Will be cReATed All bY hEr pUrE HeARt..
tHe GirL tUrn ArouNd aNd ARouNd perFormS HeR uNique daNce...
At tHiS mOMeNt, sHe FiNd HErSelf...
tHe ReaL OnE iN hEr TiNy pURE hEarT...
NEvEr fEel SCrAry EvEn thOuNGh NEVeR SeE a Bit OF LIGHt In hEr lIfe..
sHe WiLl NoT Be AlOnE WHeN shE hEard ThE sOuNd..
thE SoUnDs thaT cOmes FrOm THE HEaVeN..
sHE BeLiEVeS... alWays bElIeVeS...^-^
hoPe sHe CaN fiND hEr Way in heR LIFE wItH tHe GuARdIan OF ANgeL...
i HoPe all of Us foUnD oUr OwN wAY tOgEtHeR..^^
THE MorE ThE WIsHeS i wiSh..
ThE hIGHeR tHe PrObAbilTY It wiLl bE TherE...^^ tRuSt iT!^^